Wednesday, December 28, 2011

WELFARE...Destroying American families since FDR!!

I have been reading many different things over break regarding our current welfare state and have come up with some interesting solutions. The first thing to note is that almost every single welfare act was designed, in principle, for a very great purpose however, over time, that purpose has morphed into a business of sort. People complain about the loss of family values in the United States but never really look at the real reasons why such a loss has occurred. First and foremost, the downfall in TRUE religion in the United States has produced a culture where almost anything is considered normal and true. Secondly, the welfare state has produced a generation of people who expect everything to be given to them by the government.

The loss of religion has produced perhaps one of the greatest genocides ever in the ever-growing support of Abortion. Abortion is and will forever remain an act of killing an unborn human child. People can debate the issue of when does the heart start beating all they want but the truth is; from the moment the egg splits in two, that is a living organism and has a DNA structure which is completely its own. It's DNA is made up of each parents so it is unique!! This casual attitude my generation has taken towards abortion is fueled by society saying that having sex out of wedlock is ok. It's not ok alright!! Let's just get that out of the way. The government constantly preaches about contraceptives and how such protection is all you need to avoid getting pregnant. What this has done is to completely destroy the institution of marriage and then we wonder why the divorce rate is so high. Waiting until you are married to have sex is not a prude thing to do, it is that way because most people are not mature enough to have a baby until they are mature enough to get married. The government passed an act in the 50's to help independent mothers with their children. This bill was originally designed for a good purpose to help mothers who's husbands had run away or been killed. Today it is a corrupt business where women purposely have children out of wedlock and then make huge amounts of money off of taxpayer money! In short, WE are paying for these women to irresponsible! Even more important is the message this sends to young teens. By giving these women money, we are telling all teenage girls that it's ok if you get pregnant out of wedlock because, if you do, the government will take of you.

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