Thursday, December 10, 2009

Starting out

So, I have always been that guy who hated bloggers but today, my friend Caroline showed me one of her blogs and I realized why people blog. So, to start off, what a journey my life has been so far, from the highs to lows, God has been there all along. Its amazing how much change can come about it one's life when he finally accept Him as his Savior and releases his will to Jesus' divine grace. Such was the case in my life. My move to Hillsdale College has changed my life in ways I cannot even imagine. The people I have met, the new opportunities that have opened up for me, and even the new struggles I have, all are helping me grow as an individual.

I have made mistakes this year but my growth as a person far outstrips my downfalls. Before I was unsure, now I am steadfast in my beliefs and ready to share my testimony with others.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." *John 3:16

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