Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lessons learned for 2nd Semester

It's funny how even when you try to turn your life around, change does not happen immediately. Such was the case for my first semester. While most new students at Hillsdale were freshman, I was a transfer student coming from a science-engineering school. Because of this, I not only have to adjust to Hillsdale as a new school but I have to break old habits and start new ones. I had hoped to be more successful breaking the bad habits I started last year at Case this semester on my own. I have since learned that I cannot break some on my own and I will need help, both from God and from friends of mine. Next semester, some of my dearest friends have already told me they will help me in my struggles and I am SO blessed to have such friends in my life.

Soooo, what I have learned leading into next semester is:

Reading your Bible every day and cultivating a relationship with God is the only way to be truly happy!

Talk to your friends when you have either personal issues bothering you of if something they do negatively affects you. Its better to talk to someone than keep it bottled up

DONT SKIP CLASS!!!! (I dont want to ever skip a class again and I need your help as my friends to help me keep this problem)

Every person has both good and bad personality and, as Christians and adults, I need to better see the good in people and recognize that sin negatively affects everyone. I need to look past people's faults and focus on the good because I have faults of my own!!!

Call my family!!!!

I need to spend more time actually getting to know people and not just the superficial conversations. My goal for next semester is to get to know Ben, Travis, Jack, Scott, Maggie, Mary, Rachel and Courtney better and actually become good friends with Caroline, Eric, Shannon and some other people.

These are obviously not all of my goals for next semester but these are definately the most important! I miss all the people from our group and cant wait to be back at school with you guys. I hope you are all having a wonderful break!!


1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, Sam! I'm excited about investing in you more next semester too. Let me know how I can pray for you over break.
