Thursday, December 10, 2009

My First Semester at Hillsdale

Wow!! Sitting here in Aj's, I suddenly realize that I only have 8 days left here at Hillsdale. After all the late nights staying up writing papers for english class or studying for physics tests, you look up and, suddenly, finals week arrives. With the full knowledge that, for the next week, I will spend more time studying than living, I thought it would be nice to reflect on this past semester.

After a disappointing year at Case Western Reserve University, I made a decision which has changed my life for the better. Playing football, being in a fraternity, and attending one of the toughest university in country does not bode well for an individual if they add drinking and partying to the list of activities. I went away to college an angry, confused teenager and my experience at Case reflected the depravity of my heart. After a personal turnaround which involved me once again drawing close to Jesus, I made a decision to refocus my life around God and what He has in store for me. This new path has changed my life in such a way I can't even explain. As my faith has progressed, so has my understanding of the world around me.

With the turnaround I experienced, I also made the decision to transfer to Hillsdale College. At the time, I transferred because I knew Hillsdale was a good school. The mistake I made centers around the fact that I thought I would get away from all the temptations and struggles I had at Case when I transferred here. I learned, quickly, that my struggles and temptations will always be with me until I conquer them. My semester has not gone completely as planned, I have made significant progress in some areas but I still struggle in others. The hardest part of this is that, last year, I started and maintained several bad habits which have proved soo hard to break this year. I plan on not only breaking these habits next semester but beginning again with good ones.

The biggest change for me this year has been in the relationships I have been forming with those around me. Last year, I only spent time with the partiers and, lo and behold, I became one. This year, I am making a conscious effort to make good Christian friends. What a difference this is making in my life. Not only have I not been partying (I have not been near alcohol in 5 months), but I have been growing as a man and friend. I am learning so much about friendship and just what it means to be a man. I have a good circle of friends and I am continuing to find new ones, but, overall I am trying to be that light in Matthew 5:15-16 where the author writes, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." This verse has had such a profound influence on my life, I cannot use words to describe. To God be the Glory!!! The only thing I can say is that, even in my sin, God had a plan for my life and He has brought me to my knees to help me rise in His name.

Even in the new struggles I have in my transition to Hillsdale, I am so happy God directed me to Hillsdale. I believe He led me here to help me begin again in His Name. I am so happy for all of you who have helped me transition to Hillsdale and who have given me encouragement.

I wish you all such a Merry Christmas and Wonderful Holiday Break...I hope you all have an Awesome time at home with your families....GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS!!!

By His Grace,

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (I Corinthians 10:31)


  1. sry..that highlighted part says "I have not been near alcohol"

  2. Hi Sam! :)
    I'm excited to be reading this. (Slash I found the link on facebook.)

    I have a blog, too:
