Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve...Examining the past year to Plunge into the new one

Once again, the New Year approaches. Once again, the Champagne or sparkling wine, depending on the age group, is uncorked.
This is my favorite time of the year. The 12 days of Christmas represent such a happy, relaxing time with family and friends.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
(Isaiah 41:10)

Reading it provided me with comfort to know that, in all things, God watches out for His children and will comfort and strengthen them.

When looking at this past year, God's grace and plan for my life overpower anything else. Through His grace, I, through a truly miraculous set of circumstances, found myself at Hillsdale College. When I look at my life up to this point, I see that, through it all, God has had a plan for my life and I can only pray that I continue to live in His love. I still have struggles yes, but dont we all. My outlook on life has changed from one where the soul thought of my life was of me and my own pleasure. I see now that my life is a gift from God and I am called to use it to worship and glorify Him.

As I go into this new year, I pray for God's continued guidance in my life. I know there is so much opportunity for me at Hillsdale and am so excited for what lies ahead next semester.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lessons learned for 2nd Semester

It's funny how even when you try to turn your life around, change does not happen immediately. Such was the case for my first semester. While most new students at Hillsdale were freshman, I was a transfer student coming from a science-engineering school. Because of this, I not only have to adjust to Hillsdale as a new school but I have to break old habits and start new ones. I had hoped to be more successful breaking the bad habits I started last year at Case this semester on my own. I have since learned that I cannot break some on my own and I will need help, both from God and from friends of mine. Next semester, some of my dearest friends have already told me they will help me in my struggles and I am SO blessed to have such friends in my life.

Soooo, what I have learned leading into next semester is:

Reading your Bible every day and cultivating a relationship with God is the only way to be truly happy!

Talk to your friends when you have either personal issues bothering you of if something they do negatively affects you. Its better to talk to someone than keep it bottled up

DONT SKIP CLASS!!!! (I dont want to ever skip a class again and I need your help as my friends to help me keep this problem)

Every person has both good and bad personality and, as Christians and adults, I need to better see the good in people and recognize that sin negatively affects everyone. I need to look past people's faults and focus on the good because I have faults of my own!!!

Call my family!!!!

I need to spend more time actually getting to know people and not just the superficial conversations. My goal for next semester is to get to know Ben, Travis, Jack, Scott, Maggie, Mary, Rachel and Courtney better and actually become good friends with Caroline, Eric, Shannon and some other people.

These are obviously not all of my goals for next semester but these are definately the most important! I miss all the people from our group and cant wait to be back at school with you guys. I hope you are all having a wonderful break!!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

My First Semester at Hillsdale

Wow!! Sitting here in Aj's, I suddenly realize that I only have 8 days left here at Hillsdale. After all the late nights staying up writing papers for english class or studying for physics tests, you look up and, suddenly, finals week arrives. With the full knowledge that, for the next week, I will spend more time studying than living, I thought it would be nice to reflect on this past semester.

After a disappointing year at Case Western Reserve University, I made a decision which has changed my life for the better. Playing football, being in a fraternity, and attending one of the toughest university in country does not bode well for an individual if they add drinking and partying to the list of activities. I went away to college an angry, confused teenager and my experience at Case reflected the depravity of my heart. After a personal turnaround which involved me once again drawing close to Jesus, I made a decision to refocus my life around God and what He has in store for me. This new path has changed my life in such a way I can't even explain. As my faith has progressed, so has my understanding of the world around me.

With the turnaround I experienced, I also made the decision to transfer to Hillsdale College. At the time, I transferred because I knew Hillsdale was a good school. The mistake I made centers around the fact that I thought I would get away from all the temptations and struggles I had at Case when I transferred here. I learned, quickly, that my struggles and temptations will always be with me until I conquer them. My semester has not gone completely as planned, I have made significant progress in some areas but I still struggle in others. The hardest part of this is that, last year, I started and maintained several bad habits which have proved soo hard to break this year. I plan on not only breaking these habits next semester but beginning again with good ones.

The biggest change for me this year has been in the relationships I have been forming with those around me. Last year, I only spent time with the partiers and, lo and behold, I became one. This year, I am making a conscious effort to make good Christian friends. What a difference this is making in my life. Not only have I not been partying (I have not been near alcohol in 5 months), but I have been growing as a man and friend. I am learning so much about friendship and just what it means to be a man. I have a good circle of friends and I am continuing to find new ones, but, overall I am trying to be that light in Matthew 5:15-16 where the author writes, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." This verse has had such a profound influence on my life, I cannot use words to describe. To God be the Glory!!! The only thing I can say is that, even in my sin, God had a plan for my life and He has brought me to my knees to help me rise in His name.

Even in the new struggles I have in my transition to Hillsdale, I am so happy God directed me to Hillsdale. I believe He led me here to help me begin again in His Name. I am so happy for all of you who have helped me transition to Hillsdale and who have given me encouragement.

I wish you all such a Merry Christmas and Wonderful Holiday Break...I hope you all have an Awesome time at home with your families....GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS!!!

By His Grace,

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (I Corinthians 10:31)

Starting out

So, I have always been that guy who hated bloggers but today, my friend Caroline showed me one of her blogs and I realized why people blog. So, to start off, what a journey my life has been so far, from the highs to lows, God has been there all along. Its amazing how much change can come about it one's life when he finally accept Him as his Savior and releases his will to Jesus' divine grace. Such was the case in my life. My move to Hillsdale College has changed my life in ways I cannot even imagine. The people I have met, the new opportunities that have opened up for me, and even the new struggles I have, all are helping me grow as an individual.

I have made mistakes this year but my growth as a person far outstrips my downfalls. Before I was unsure, now I am steadfast in my beliefs and ready to share my testimony with others.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." *John 3:16