Friday, January 31, 2014

Common Core: My Thoughts!!

Common Core: Goodbye to the America We Knew

Common Core centers around “College and Career readiness” which defines hypocrisy because common core seeks to dumb down and simplify materials for students to better understand it. The government today seems to believe that education no longer requires knowledge of history or literature. The Common Core initiative aims to make students into bureaucrats rather than fulfill the true role of being a student. An educator’s responsibility is to foster and encourage students in the ability to learn and become productive individuals in society. Look at the list of the best entrepreneurs in American History, how many of them went to college?? The American Public School system has failed in encouraging parental responsibility in the growth and education of their students.

Should the entire approach to American education be focused on world peace and global unity? What happened to learning about the Greek virtues, or Shakespeare, or the history of the Romans? What happened to encouraging students to make a life for themselves and to do what they love? Hasn't anyone noticed that, as government has become more and more involved in public education over the past 60 years, educational standards have plummeted, students dislike education now more than ever, our high school graduates are less prepared for the future, and our parents have been excused from their traditional role as parents in training their children for a responsible life as an adult.

Above all, the message to students to conform to the universal globalism approach to education destroys individual identity and promise. Why don’t we let students decide their path in life rather than telling them where they are going? It eerily sounds and looks similar to the approach taken in the USSR and in many other socialist regimes in the mid to late 20th century. If we learned anything from history, we know that dumbing down standards and forcing everyone into the middle ground on issues and beliefs, always ends in a society that believes whatever they are told, regardless of truth.

Read about Common Core people! Students should be given the freedom to learn, to make mistakes and take chances, rather than memorizing how to “play the system.”